Are You Suffering from Hives Post Pregnancy?

Pregnancy tends to leave you with many marks and other keepsakes on your body. While you may be proud of some, like your stretch marks, others could pose some complications. Postpartum hives are one such condition, which can be identified by scaly, itchy skin and raised welts on your skin. It usually makes an appearance on your arms, back, feet or even your legs. What causes it? How can you treat it? Read on to find out.

Causes of Postpartum Hives

While hives can sometimes appear following an insect bite or sting, there are other reasons why you may be experiencing it:

Post-delivery hormonal changes
Medical conditions like acute thyroid and certain medications
Exposure to extreme sunlight, heat or cold
Foods and some additives
Treatment for Postpartum Hives

While there is no specific cure for hives after delivery, the condition usually lasts for only about 6 to 8 weeks. However, you need to take certain steps to soothe it, as severe cases could be life-threatening. Here’s what you can do at home:

Water is your best friend. Increase your fluid intake and help your body flush out the toxins.
Apply a cream or lotion to ease the burning and itching. Let your doctor recommend ointments that are effective and baby-safe too.
Try meditation and avoid stressful situations. If you find it too overwhelming to take care of your newborn, reach out for some help.
If you find it completely unbearable, consult a dermatologist for treatment options. However, make sure that the medications won’t affect your breastfeeding baby.
Home Remedies for Postpartum Hives:

Oats: Take advantage of its anti-inflammatory properties to soothe your skin and provide relief from the itching and swelling. Put a cup of oatmeal in a microfibre cloth and soak it in hot water for 15 minutes. Add this to your bath water and soak in it for at least 15 minutes once a day. Don’t let the water get too hot, as it can irritate your skin.
Cold Compress: This will give you relief from the itchiness, redness and swelling. Wrap some ice cubes in a microfibre cloth and place them on the affected parts of your skin. You can repeat this 3-4 times a day.
Aloe Vera: With its ability to heal and improve skin conditions, this is a must-do. Apply fresh aloe vera on the affected parts of your skin and let it work its magic for about 20 minutes. Rinse and repeat several times a day.
Apple Cider Vinegar: This can provide relief from inflammation. Mix equal amounts of apple cider vinegar and water. Then use some cotton to apply the mixture to the affected areas of your skin. Repeat about twice a day.
Your skin issues may be the last thing on your mind, given that your newborn is demanding all of your attention, but it’s important to take care of yourself so you can better provide for your newborn. Healthy mommy, happy baby!

Fixed Deposits Are Your Way to Hassle Free Savings

Even when we keep our money in our savings account, there are times when we are helpless and are tempted to withdraw it for some reason or the other. Saving our hard-earned income is a feat that all of us have to manage. We promise ourselves each time that the next month is going to be better and we’ll be more careful with our funds then; however, keeping that promise can become quite a task. It’s at such times that a fixed deposit can be the perfect solution. By depositing your money into an account from which it cannot be withdrawn for a certain amount of time, you can ensure that your savings remain untouched. One of the primary benefits of such a scheme is that it allows you to also earn a substantial interest on your funds. This means that you not only save money but also earn returns on it.

Fixed deposit accounts will definitely promise you a certain amount of earnings, no matter which scheme you choose, how much you invest or for how long. That’s the reason many people who wish to invest their funds choose this option as it’s risk-free and definitive. Unlike other investment schemes, where you just don’t know how lucky you will get or how your returns will turn out to be, with a fixed deposit all those queries are answered beforehand.

Another benefit of a fixed deposit is that while you cannot immediately withdraw the deposited amount, you can definitely withdraw the quarterly interest you earn on that amount. Depending on how much you’ve deposited and what scheme you’ve chosen, the interest rate you earn will differ. This in turn will decide how much you can get every three months.

One needs to bear in mind that even though there are always assured returns, it’s still advisable to look around and evaluate all the available options. Some might offer you more benefits than the others and it’s much easier to find the best plan when you browse through several options.

Once you’ve deposited your money in this kind of an account, you have no other concerns to take care of. Just sit back and let your money grow over a period of time without worrying about how much you’re going to make, or if you’re going to incur any losses or whether it’s the best form of investment. A fixed deposit ensures that all these hassles are null and void. When you choose a FD, you choose a safe, secure and sure investment.

How To Achieve Flawless Skin Effectively With Natural Face Pack?

Want to have glowing skin? How to achieve flawless skin? These are the common questions asked by people across the world. Only natural face pack can be the best remedy in this matter. These face packs can be applied easily on your face and can provide you instant glow. This glow will last for long time. With consistent use of these herbal face creams you can get clean and clear skin with eradication of various unwanted toxic compounds. These face packs are prepared with various herbal ingredients and so the overall quality of sin can also be improved to a remarkable extent.

Today, you can expect countless advantages by using natural face pack and if you want to know more about them then you should start using Chandra Prabha Ubtan. It contains some amazing herbs that improve the overall health of your facial skin within three to four months of using it. Skin will be protected completely from infections which can bring different skin disorders. These days, there are some common issues which are being experienced by everyone because of dirt, allergies, dusts and other skin problems like dark patches, pimples and rashes.

Chandra Prabha Ubtan which is a natural face pack is very helpful in removing various signs of aging such as wrinkles, fine lines and freckles. Along with eliminating signs of aging, it also helps in improving the glow of skin perfectly. Your skin will be moisturized and nourished by the nutrients present in this face ubtan. Sunburn and signs of tanning can also be removed successfully by using this on regular basis. You don’t have to waste your time in applying turmeric or curd on your face instead you can just apply this herbal face ubtan on your face and get good results instantly.

Chandra Prabha Ubtan is prepared with various essential herbs and Aloe Vera is one of among those beneficial ones. It has got the best efficiency in eliminating undesired acne and improves the glow of skin effectively and naturally. In order to improve the glow of your skin instantly, these natural face packs are the best measures. Effective exfoliation and cleansing can also be done by using this ubtan. This face pack can be used by men as well. This works like a face mask and you can apply it during any time of the day.

You can also apply it on your face two times in a day if you want, this will only give better results. You can expect a good skin tone with regular usage of this herbal face pack. It is ideal for all skin types and so can be used by anyone. Excessive oils on skin can also be removed by using this face pack. You will also have to maintain a healthy diet which is very important for the health of your skin. Junk or spicy foods should be avoided as much as possible if you want to get rid of skin problems forever.